Salon 523

you won't believe what's inside

Omaha's newest salon suite experience.  We have created a space that is high energy and creative for those like individuals who will call Salon 523 home


In accordance with the emergency mandate issued for the city of Omaha on January 11, 2022 by Douglas County Health Director Lindsay Huse, Face Masks are required for indoor businesses.

  • Anyone coming into Salon 523 MUST WEAR A MASK for the entire duration of their time in the building.  Please put your mask on before entering and do not remove it until you have left.

  • Your service partner may be able to provide you with a mask, but they must deliver it to you outside the building.

  • To assist your service provider a mask with loops that wrap around behind your ears are the most effective. 

  • If you are unable to wear a face mask because of a disability or medical condition you must contact your service provider before your appointment to make them aware of your issue.  We cannot at this time guarantee service can be provided but we will explore options with your service partner to see if any arrangements can be made to accommodate your needs.

Although each of our professional service partners own their own business within Salon 523, this matter is not negotiable and will remain mandatory until such time that the mandate is repealed, amended, or expires.

We understand that everyone has different perspectives on the virus and how best to manage their own personal safety.  We would simply ask that you are respectful of our business and the businesses of our professional partners.  If you don’t feel you can follow this policy for whatever reason we can certainly respect your decision, but we cannot allow you into our place of business at this time.


  • You are feeling ill or have a fever and/or if you are waiting for results of a Covid test.

  • You or anyone in your household has been exposed to Covid-19 and/or is quarantining due to illness.

We know for each of our partners safety is the highest priority.  They are diligent in their sanitation and disinfecting practices in their suites.  Each of them may have also implemented their own policies for their business.  We encourage you to check with them prior to your visit. 

On behalf of ourselves & all our amazing professional partners we thank you!


At salon 523, we have created a space that is high energy and creative for those individuals who call our space home. Each of our suites are bright, spacious & private. Our professional partners are successful, happy & enthusiastic about their work. Everyone working together creates a culture that is rich in excellence and satisfaction.


Our Professional Partners own & manages their business. To schedule services visit our DIRECTORY & contact them directly.


For leasing inquires please use the form on our CONTACT page or email us directly:


Located in the Galleria Plaza we occupy the 2nd floor of the American National Bank Building at 14545 W Center Road in Omaha.

copyright © 2015-24, salon 523, llc. all rights reserved.