Salon 523

you won't believe what's inside

Omaha's newest salon suite experience.  We have created a space that is high energy and creative for those like individuals who will call Salon 523 home

Cornavirus Statement - March 13, 2020

To all our partners,

As we are sure that many of you are already pondering how the Coronavirus will effect your family & businesses we wanted to address the matter.  

As owners it is our intention to do everything in our power to keep the doors open for the benefit of your businesses.  We will continue our cleaning schedule of the common areas paying special attention to surfaces in the kitchen, baths & break area.

 You are all savvy business owners & we know you will use your best judgment in regards to whatever extra measures you take to protect yourselves & your clients. Only you can determine if staying open for business or closing for a period of time is the right choice for your business.  We can only ask if you are ill that you do not come into the building and if you should find that you or any of your clients have been infected that you would advise us immediately.

 We can also offer a few suggestions:

  •  Determine a policy for your business.  Advise your clients of your decisions and the measures you are taking & what you expect of them in return.

  •  If possible try to give yourself some additional time between appointments to allow you time to wipe down surfaces & avoid having clients waiting for you to be available.

  • Wipe down surfaces such as counters, cabinet doors & beds/chairs, especially the arms with a disenfectant between each client.

  •   Wash your hands with soap frequently for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating & after sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing.

  •  Provide an alcohol based (@ least 60%) hand sanitizer to clients & use it yourself frequently.

  •  Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth with your bare hand.

  •   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then toss the tissue in the trash.

    For more information on the Coronavirus  you can visit the CDC website, the link is below:

 We thank you all in advance for doing your part to help lesson the likeliness of this virus spreading in the building.

At salon 523, we have created a space that is high energy and creative for those individuals who call our space home. Each of our suites are bright, spacious & private. Our professional partners are successful, happy & enthusiastic about their work. Everyone working together creates a culture that is rich in excellence and satisfaction.


Our Professional Partners own & manages their business. To schedule services visit our DIRECTORY & contact them directly.


For leasing inquires please use the form on our CONTACT page or email us directly:


Located in the Galleria Plaza we occupy the 2nd floor of the American National Bank Building at 14545 W Center Road in Omaha.

copyright © 2015-24, salon 523, llc. all rights reserved.