Salon 523

you won't believe what's inside

Omaha's newest salon suite experience.  We have created a space that is high energy and creative for those like individuals who will call Salon 523 home

Coronavirus Update - March 16, 2020

To all our partners,

We wanted to thank those of you that have reached out to us & for those of you that have developed and have been advising your clients of your policy regarding the Coronavirus we appreciate you for taking this very important step.

We understand that for you all social distancing is near to impossible so it is vital if you choose to remain open that you take as many precautions as you can to lessen the spread of this virus to you & your clients.   You all have a small community of your own within the 4 walls of the building so the actions you take or don’t take may not only affect you, but also your clients, the other partners & their clients.

Though we are not with you all in the building, you all are all very important to us & we will continue to do what we can to keep the doors open. 

  • We will continue our cleaning schedule of the common areas paying special attention to surfaces in the kitchen, baths & break area. 

  • In addition,

    • We have asked for a bottle of disinfectant to be left on the breakroom table for your use.

    • We have reached out to Lund Co. as they are responsible for the cleaning of the entry, stairwell and elevator.  We are asking them to increase their cleaning schedule & to ensure they are disinfecting the railings in the stair well, the entry way door & handle as well as the elevator walls/door.   Until we get a commitment from them, we have asked our cleaning person, Tamica to take on that task.

    • We are working on trying to find a means of securing hand sanitizer in the lobby area.  Depending on what we are able to locate we would like to secure a bottle to the front table or attach a dispenser to the wall.  This will all of course be dependent on our ability to secure the product.

    • We will also be adding to your hand soap supply.  To prevent these from being stolen we will be storing this & our supply of toilet paper in the electrical room in the men’s bathroom.  That door has a combination key box.  We believe most of you have that code.  If you do not please reach out to one of us for the combination.

We know it is becoming more and more difficult to find disinfectants & cleaning supplies so we did want to share with you that the CDC does include instructions for diluting household beach that will be effective against the Coronavirus when properly diluted.  To dilute bleach properly mix 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water OR 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water.

Of course, make sure you follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation and check to make sure it is not past its expiration date.

Remember NEVER mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.

For more information on cleaning & disinfecting you can visit the CDC at:

Another issue that we know may be on many of your minds is what will happen if you are forced to close or if your clients begin to cancel to the point that it affects you financially.   In this regards we are in this with all of you.  We must continue to pay our rent regardless as to whether we receive rent payments, not unlike your obligation if you are not getting paid for services.

Please know you are all very important to us, you are the reason for our continued success, and we want to do what we can to help.  While we can’t just erase your rent, we can try to help you mitigate the situation.  Many of you have vacation time built into your lease that accumulates annually.  If you would like to borrow against that time, we are open to letting that happen.  If you do not have vacation, we are also open to partial rent payments and/or payment plans that would allow you to spread out your payments.

In addition to this there may assistance available through the Small Business Association for long term loans at low interest rates.  Though we are uncertain as to if/when that will be available in Nebraska you can follow the program using the link below:

If finances become an issue with you, please reach out to as soon as possible.  Feel free to contact which ever of us you are most comfortable speaking about this matter.  We are here to help however we are able.

We can also suggest if you have not already done so that you take some time to sign & share the “Covid-19 Beauty Industry Economic Hardship petition”.  The link is below”

Thank you all again for being such wonderful partners and for working together to get through this most stressful and unpredictable time.  We are always stronger together.


Travis, Tom & MJ

At salon 523, we have created a space that is high energy and creative for those individuals who call our space home. Each of our suites are bright, spacious & private. Our professional partners are successful, happy & enthusiastic about their work. Everyone working together creates a culture that is rich in excellence and satisfaction.


Our Professional Partners own & manages their business. To schedule services visit our DIRECTORY & contact them directly.


For leasing inquires please use the form on our CONTACT page or email us directly:


Located in the Galleria Plaza we occupy the 2nd floor of the American National Bank Building at 14545 W Center Road in Omaha.

copyright © 2015-24, salon 523, llc. all rights reserved.